Life coaching is a partnership in a thought provoking, personalized, and creative process.

A BETWEEN coaching relationship encourages you to become who you’re made to be—for your sake and those around you.

What are the benefits of having a coach?

A coach calls out your (amazing!) potential and challenges you to take a hard look at the things that are keeping you stuck. We’ll work together to understand where you are, where you want to be, and how to get there—and who you want to be through it all. You will grow in self-awareness, clarify your core values, uncover motivations, and make changes in your life that will help you improve your relationships, work, and overall wellbeing.

How is life coaching different from therapy?

Life coaching focuses on your current reality and future hopes in order to support positive, personal, and professional growth. Therapy typically focuses on the past, healing pain from dysfunction and conflict, in order to improve overall psychological functioning. Both coaching and therapy are extremely valuable and can be utilized together or in succession.

Am I ready to partner with a coach?

The two most important factors in coaching are 1) the quality of relationship you have with your coach and 2) what you bring to the process. I offer a free 20-minute consultation to help in determining if we will be a good match. If you are ready to work with someone who will be fully present, listen deeply, ask questions that will bring clarity and perspective, and encourage and challenge you to be your very best, I am excited about the possibility of partnering together!


be·​tween | \ bi-ˈtwēn

: in the period separating two points in time or space

: serving to connect or unite in a relationship

: jointly engaging in common action

“BETWEEN stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.

-Victor Frankl, Man’s Search For Meaning